Time to throw away your electronic waste
The Ministry of Public works will this weekend collect old electronic goods as part of the second e-Waste Recycling Day this year.Between 9am and 5pm on Saturday, residents will be able to drop of a wide variety of electronic trash at the Tynes Bay Waste-to-Energy Facility.A Ministry spokesman said: “Residents are encouraged to bring their old, worn out electronics to be recycled — everything from battery operated toys and hair dryers all the way up to computers and other circuit board containing equipment.”Any device powered by batteries or a power cord can be dropped off.The Waste Management Section sent away more than 100 shipping containers of recyclable materials in 2009/10, including 26 containers of air conditioners and 24 containers of vehicle batteries.All of the recyclables, including e-waste, are processed at United States Environmental Protection Agency approved recycling facilities.For information about commercial loads, contact recycle@gov.bm or telephone Stephen Gilbert on 501-3024.