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Island’s major beaches meet US standards

The water off Bermuda’s beaches remain clean, Government said last night.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said that regular monitoring at beaches so far this year had found no pollution problems.

Beaches checked include tourist magnets like Horseshoe Bay, Warwick Long Bay, Elbow Beach, John Smith’s Bay, Clearwater Beach, Snorkel Park and Tobacco Bay.

The spokeswoman said samples are collected twice a week by Environmental Health officers, who also carry out a visual inspection of the beaches.

The results of the tests are published on the Government website at http://tinyurl.com/ljl2pxa — a move taken after the US Consulate in Bermuda in March issued a warning over mixed sewage and grease pollution off the south shore of the Island.

The US acted after earlier tests by experts revealed sewage contamination of water following specific weather conditions.

Testing is carried out for the enterococci group of bacteria as an indicator of faecal pollution in line with US Environmental Protection Agency rules for water quality monitoring.