Beach cleanup this weekend
A beach cleanup will take place on Saturday at Frank’s Bay and the Railway Trail in Southampton.
The event is organised by One Communications, which is encouraging friends and family to help out.
Network engineer Michele Belvedere said: “While our day-to-day focus is on technology, our lives consist of more than that.
“Garbage on our beaches and along the railway trails is not only unsightly, it’s harmful to wildlife. This cleanup will help prevent waste, especially plastics, from making its way into our surrounding waters.
“These plastics accumulate in the sea and swirl around one of five oceanic gyres: regions where currents push water and floating debris in an inward circular motion, trapping it in the centre.
“The results of this swirling waste are enormous floating garbage heaps. One of these vortexes is the Atlantic Trash Vortex.”
Colleague Donte Brown said: “With the environment playing such an important part in our lives, we need to play our small part in keeping it clean by picking up trash and avoid littering. If we take care of the environment, the environment will take care of us.”
Tiffany Samuels, the third network engineer organising the cleanup, said: “We hope to attract volunteers for a fun and worthwhile day. We already have a number of staff members taking part, and would love the additional help of residents. This is an event for everyone and we’re encouraging all groups to come and join us.”
The cleanup will run from 9am to noon. Volunteers are welcomed to join and are encouraged to bring their own refillable water bottle and gloves.