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Fishing restrictions set to begin

One of Bermuda's Seasonally Protected Areas (Image supplied)

Fishing will be restricted to protect red hinds and black groupers from April 15.

Seasonally Protected Areas will be in place until August 15, with an extended area around important black grouper aggregations enforced until December 1.

Catch limits for red hinds and black groupers per boat or per person fishing from shore within a 24-hour period are:

• 50 red hind during April for commercial fishers;

• ten red hind from May 1 to August 31 for commercial fishers;

• ten red hind year-round for recreational fishers;

• one black grouper year-round for all fishers.

The Ministry of Home Affairs said Marine Resources officers are conducting tagging studies on red hinds and black groupers to better understand their movements around the Bermuda Platform.

All fishers are encouraged to contact Marine Resources on 293-5600 or fisheries@gov.bm if they catch a tagged red hind or black grouper.

One of Bermuda's Seasonally Protected Areas (Image supplied)