Roban’s plea on Cup Match plastics
The public was asked yesterday to avoid single-use plastics over the Cup Match holiday.
Walter Roban, the home affairs minister, told people: “As you prepare for your holiday events, enjoy outdoor areas, and prepare to run concessions, I want to encourage the Bermuda public to consider alternatives to items such as plastic cups, food containers, plates, straws, plastic cutlery, plastic bags and the like.”
The minister highlighted that many retailers offered reusable straws, utensils and cups.
He said: “I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of these items and explore alternative options when purchasing plastic products. As this country moves towards the elimination of single-use plastics, it is important that we all do our part to contribute to a greener and cleaner Bermuda.”
People were also urged to bring their own bags and containers so they can remove their own trash from public areas.