Challenge made to mark Earth Day
Residents are being asked to celebrate tomorrow’s Earth Day by doing something positive for the environment.
Sustainability campaign group Greenrock is challenging residents to mark the event by recycling waste, starting a garden, or avoiding plastic shopping bags.
In a statement, the organisation said: “To participate, commit to do as many of the following activities, as possible, on Earth Day.
“It’s suitable for all ages, and really simple to do.”
Suggestions include cooking all meals at home and avoid purchasing any snacks or takeout, going single-use plastic-free, taking a walk and enjoying nature, and using zero emission vehicles when travelling.
The statement added: “Take pictures or videos of you and your loved ones participating in the challenge, tag Greenrock, use the hashtag #earthdaybda and we will repost your environmental actions on all of our social media channels.”
Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues.
The holiday is now a global celebration that sometimes extends into Earth Week – a full seven days of events focused on green living.
Visit for more information or call 747 7625 to find out more about how you can get involved.