Coral colony set up at school’s marine centre
New temporary residents are settling down to life at Warwick Academy’s marine science centre.
The school was given a variety of live corals this month by the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences with the Living Reef Foundation.
A spokeswoman for the marine science centre said: “We are now the official guardians until such time as they are transplanted back into Castle Harbour.
“Warwick Academy will monitor light, salinity and temperature levels to assess the best abiotic conditions for the different species and we will use the live corals as part of our coral identification, climate change, ocean acidification, plankton and fluorescence classes.”
The spokeswoman added one of the aims of the marine science centre was to build bridges between scientific research and education and conservation.
Warwick Academy pupils will get training in how to keep the corals clean as they learn the role the ocean plays in supporting life.
The school welcomed specimens of boulder star coral, Orbicella franksii, stony coral, Porities astreoides, great star coral, Montastera cavernosa and grooved brain coral, Diploria labyrinthiformis.