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East End Ministerial Association: The annual Good Friday re-enactment of Jesus' walk to Calvary will form at Ebenezer Methodist Church at 10.45 a.m. on Good Friday. The procession will then go Richard Allen AME where Judas will conspire with the Sanhedrin. Chief priests pay him 30 pieces of silver. The Unfinished Church will be the backdrop for Christ at Gethsemane and Judas will betray Jesus with a kiss here. At the Salvation Army Christ will go before the Sanhedrin and the High priest will question Jesus. Peter will deny Jesus at Stella Maris and Jesus will go before Pontius Pilate at St. Peter's. He will be crucified at Ordinance Island.


East End Ministerial Association: The annual Good Friday re-enactment of Jesus' walk to Calvary will form at Ebenezer Methodist Church at 10.45 a.m. on Good Friday. The procession will then go Richard Allen AME where Judas will conspire with the Sanhedrin. Chief priests pay him 30 pieces of silver. The Unfinished Church will be the backdrop for Christ at Gethsemane and Judas will betray Jesus with a kiss here. At the Salvation Army Christ will go before the Sanhedrin and the High priest will question Jesus. Peter will deny Jesus at Stella Maris and Jesus will go before Pontius Pilate at St. Peter's. He will be crucified at Ordinance Island.

Salvation Army White Hill Corps: Special service at 7 p.m. featuring singing , drama and scripture.

St. Mark's, Smiths: A Passion play on the church grounds at 9.30 a.m. on Good Friday. Cast members are from the church Sunday school and youth groups. On Easter Sunday there will be a special Easter Anthem with guest performers at the 10.30 a.m. service.

West Pembroke Pentecostal Assembly: Rally at the church at 5 p.m.