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Objections raised over new hospice plans

A rendering of the proposed new hospice facility in Warwick.

Environmental groups have raised concerns about plans to build a new hospice in Warwick.

Both the Bermuda Audubon Society and the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce have filed objections to plans, put forward by the Friends of Hospice.

The charities said that while the structure itself is appropriately set back from the surrounding Woodland Reserve and Agricultural Reserve, the proposed driveway cuts straight through agricultural land.

An objection letter from the Audubon Society said: “To maximise the potential use of the land for agricultural purposes, it would be better to route the roadway in a way that minimises this impact.

“In addition, the Approval in Principle for this project required that the ‘final development application shall demonstrate the pitching of the driveway away from the abutting Agricultural Reserve in conjunction with the control and disposal of storm water within the curtilage of the application site’.

“This does not appear to be addressed in the final application.”

BEST raised the same concerns in its letter of objection, stating: “There is no indication in the application checklist that the setback to the conservation area of Agricultural Reserve will not be satisfied, given that the plan is for the driveway to be run through the Agricultural Reserve area.

“There are no Grounds for Support provided for that encroachment; the driveway cuts across the Agricultural Reserve and, with no Grounds in Support having been provided, it is unclear why it could not be designed differently to avoid the ruination of a sizeable piece of vital agricultural land.”

BEST also said there was nothing in the application to show there had been consultation with the Agricultural Board about the project.

Plans for the proposed new hospice in Warwick.

The application, submitted by architectural firm Lindberg and Simmons on behalf of the Friends of Hospice, proposed the construction of a new Agape House on Spice Hill Road.

The property, known as Woodland Grove, is largely surrounded by woodland and agricultural reserve land, but the building itself is proposed for land zoned for residential use.

Drawings for the project show 20 bedrooms on the building’s lower floor as well as a kitchen and dining room, gym, salon and family room.

The building’s second floor will include another eight bedrooms as well as offices and several verandas overlooking the grounds.

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Published December 03, 2021 at 9:58 am (Updated December 03, 2021 at 9:58 am)

Objections raised over new hospice plans

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