Minister appeals to residents to help get rid of rodents
The Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, has urged people who may have rodents on their properties to contact Vector Control for help to get rid of the animals.
Ms Wilson said: “Rodents can cause considerable damage to property and structures and carry disease.
“They breed every three months. A mouse can produce up to 48 babies per year and one rat can produce approximately 25 babies yearly.”
Some tips to control rodent populations in residential areas include using adequate garbage disposal containers with lids, only placing garbage outside on scheduled trash collection days and the direct disposal of garbage at the Tynes Bay facility.
People should also ensure that pet food spillage and excess is cleaned up or secured, that feral and wild animals are not fed, that only rodent-proof composting boxes are used and that lawn clippings and vegetation are taken to the Marsh Folly composting facility.
Rodent bait boxes, which are harmless to household pets, can be purchased from Vector Control or environmental health for $15.
Inspectors, who will service and monitor the boxes for free, can be reached on 278-5397.
For more information about rodent control, visit