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Mapping out your marketing options

Tough restrictions on advertising and street trading will be put in place in Hamilton, the Great Sound and Dockyard for the America’s Cup — with fines of up to $20,000 for offenders.

Front Street in Hamilton as far back as Reid Street, as well as Albuoys Point, Par-la-Ville Road and Bermudiana Road up to the junction with Church Street, are affected by the new rules.

Mangrove Bay to Dockyard has also been named in the restricted marketing order published by the Government, which means no new businesses can set up until after July 7 unless they have permission from the America’s Cup Event Authority.

All on-water areas for the America’s Cup and the surrounds of Great Sound and the Railway Trail from the junction of Middle Road and South Road towards the West End and transport terminals including Hamilton’s ferry terminal and bus station are also covered by the order.

The regulations also ban street trading in restricted marketing areas by new operators who have not obtained official permission.