Butterfield to offer electronic queuing system before holiday
Bank of NT Butterfield & Son is introducing a new system for dealing with long lines ahead of the upcoming holidays.
It is called mobile queueing and will be available at the bank’s Front Street branch.
Using the new system, customers can join a virtual queue by scanning a QR code at the branch, or by visiting butterfieldgroup.com.
Once in line, they will be able see their position change as customers ahead of them are served.
Once their turn is called, they will have two minutes to present themselves to the teller. If they don’t show, they are automatically put back in the queue up to two times. If they miss all their turns, they will have to sign up again.
QR codes will be available in a number of locations, including outside the Front Street Banking Centre, inside the banking hall and at the Retail Arcade entrance.
People who join via the website must be within 500 meters of the branch to access the virtual queuing function.
Staff will be available to help people sign up or navigate the service.
Bermuda celebrates Emancipation Day on Thursday and Mary Prince Day on Friday. Together, they are informally known as the Cup Match holiday.
Customers report that, in the past, ATMs in Bermuda have run low on cash over the holiday, and the branches can be especially busy ahead of a holiday.
Butterfield will be close both days but open 10am to 3pm on Saturday.
“The new mobile queuing system provides an efficient and convenient service and gives our clients the flexibility to manage their time when visiting the Banking Centre.
“If it is busy, which it always is before Cup Match, a client who has joined the queue on their mobile device can choose to leave the Banking Centre and get a coffee until it is their time to be served.
“We encourage clients to take advantage of mobile queuing, in addition to our recently returned Saturday Banking hours, so they are ready for a most enjoyable holiday,” said Shawnette Griffin, head of Retail Banking and Operations in Bermuda.