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Ag Show to go virtual

The show must go on: artwork was on display during last year’s AG Show (Photograph supplied)

The annual Bermuda Agricultural Exhibition will go ahead this year – but with a difference.

The display of farm animals and agricultural products will be held on a virtual basis for the first time because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Visitors will not be allowed to attend the event. But it will be broadcast on the ‘Ag Show Bermuda’ Facebook page on April 23.

The virtual exhibition will showcase many of the usual exhibits, including exotic chicken and bantam breeds from all around the world, as well as rabbits, pigeons, ducks and guinea pigs.

Antwan Albuoy, the exhibition’s director, said: “Over the last few months, our committee has met virtually several times to discuss how we can best keep our local culture and traditions alive, given the current state of the world today.

“While the health and safety of our community members, particularly our vulnerable populations and seniors, is a top priority, we wanted to find a unique way to keep the event going for Bermuda’s younger generation.

“This year’s event will certainly look different from years gone by, but we hope this is a happy middle ground for all those who wish to take part, keeping this important national tradition and aspect of our local culture alive.

Mr Albuoy added: “Many schoolchildren were disappointed their artwork wouldn’t be on display for the community to see last year.”

“While we did our best to find a way to go ahead with judging, we wanted to make sure the talents of our young people were recognised properly in 2021.”

Children’s art work, a traditional part of the show, will also be on display at the Bermuda Society of Arts in City Hall in Hamilton from April, 10 to May 3.

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Published February 24, 2021 at 3:27 pm (Updated February 24, 2021 at 3:29 pm)

Ag Show to go virtual

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