Pairs event to round off spring tournament schedule
Not much to report at Bermuda Bridge Club as we enter the summer months – the spring tournament schedule will be completed with the Men’s and Ladies’ Pairs Championships, which is a two-session event starting at 9:30am on Saturday, June 15.
Members can then look forward to the Bridge Club Summer Party, which will be held on the evening of Saturday, June 22 – details and sign-up at the club.
Congratulations to Malcolm Moseley and Ben Stone who recorded not one, but two 70 per cent plus games on April 9 and 16 – always a hard thing to do and to do it in consecutive weeks is extra special!
Before I get to the hand, many congratulations to Lorna Anderson who last week achieved Silver Life Master status – a terrific and well-deserved milestone. I have watched Lorna progress ever since her first appearance at the club and she is a talented and dedicated student of the game and it was only a matter of time – she has potential to go even higher.
In addition to her regular attendance at the club games, she is also a hard worker both at the club and at the Regional and is a popular figure at the club – well done, Lorna!
I like today’s hand (see Figure 1) as it employs an interesting safety play, which was caught by an experienced declarer.
This deal came up in a teams game. Both North players inquired about South’s minor suits with three of spades and when partner denied a four-card minor by bidding 3NT, North bid the slam in no-trump.
The Queen of spades was led at both tables, which was taken in hand with the Ace of spades by both declarers. Since this was teams, the objective for declarer was to make the contract and give up on overtricks if necessary – that is a big hint!
At the first table, declarer won the spade and continued with Ace and another diamond. When West discarded a club, declarer called for dummy’s King of diamonds, and then played his three top hearts.
When East threw a spade on the third heart, declarer found he could no longer make his contract and in fact went down two.
At the second table, declarer did not cash the Ace of diamonds at trick two. Instead he led the three of diamonds towards dummy and when West followed with the nine of diamonds, declarer took the trick with dummy’s King.
Next he led a low diamond from dummy and covered East’s six of diamonds with his eight, which won the trick.
After cashing the Ace of diamonds, declarer cashed the King and Ace of clubs before conceding a diamond trick to East, who exited with a heart.
Declarer took his three top hearts, throwing a club and a spade from dummy, before claiming, since dummy was now high.
This declarer always planned to take the King and Ace of diamonds on the first two rounds of the suit. This would automatically give him at least four diamond tricks if West held the Queen and the suit was not 5-0.
Also, as was demonstrated, he could succeed in doing so if West held a singleton Queen, ten or nine of diamonds. Take a good look at this play as it comes up often.
• It is with great sadness that the members heard of the passing of the ever popular Mike Tait, who had struggled and fought that dreaded disease that takes so many. Mike was the poster child for a “gentle giant” – a big man who always had a smile on his face and brought smiles to those around him. He will be sorely missed and our thoughts are with his family and friends, and his bridge partners, all of whom will feel his loss deeply.
• David Ezekiel can be contacted at
Friday, May 17
1. Gertrude Barker-Martha Ferguson
2. Judith Bussell-Diana Diel
3. Charles Hall-Sancia Garrison
Monday, May 20
1. Gertrude Barker-Jane Smith
2. John Hodge-Sue Hodge
3. Elysa Burland-Molly Taussig
1. Judith Bussell-Diana Diel
2. Lynanne Bolton-Irene Chew
3. Barbara Cerra-Pat Cerra
Tuesday, May 21
1. Jean Schilling-Catherine Kennedy
2. James Mulderig-Robert Mulderig
3. Nikki Boyce-Carol Eastham
Wednesday, May 22
1. Tony Saunders-Molly Taussig
2. Sue Hodge-John Hodge
3= Gertrude Barker-Jane Smith
3= Richard Gray-Wendy Gray
Thursday, May 23
1. Charles Hall-Miodrag Novakovic
2= Erika Jones-Delton Outerbridge
2= Harry Kast-Eric Keen
Monday, May 27
1. Peter Donnellan-Lynanne Bolton
2= Richard Gray-Wendy Gray
2= Allyson Eadie-Aida Bostelmann
1= Judith Bussell-Charles Hall
1= Gertrude Barker-Jane Smith
3= Patricia Siddle-Diana Diel
3= Margaret Way-Rachael Gosling
Tuesday, May 28
1. James Mulderig-Robert Mulderig
2. Felicity Lund-Frances McManus
3. Jean Schilling-Catherine Kennedy
Wednesday, May 29
1. Stephen Cosham-Rachael Gosling
2. Patricia Siddle-Diana Diel
3. Betsy Baillie-Sharon Shanahan
Thursday, May 30
1. Elizabeth McKee-Margaret Way
2. Charles Hall-Diana Diel
3= Claude Guay-Sharon Shanahan
3= Tim Mardon-David Petty