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Regina and friends bring some Christmas cheer to the streets

Regina Peniston, centre, with volunteers in her food drive effort (Photograph supplied)
Regina Peniston, right front, with volunteers putting together containers of Christmas dinner for her Christmas food drive (Photograph supplied)

Community activist Regina Peniston served hearty Christmas dinners to 160 people in need on Monday - despite Covid-19 related restrictions in place.

The meals, provided by donors, were supposed to have been delivered on Boxing day but poor weather delayed the effort.

Ms Peniston was out with six other volunteers for her 14th food drive.

She told The Royal Gazette: “It was great, they were so excited. They got the a whole Christmas dinner turkey, stuffing, the trimmings.

“I thought this year, of all years, it was so important as everyone has had such trouble – job losses and not working. 2020 has been a hard year.

“You couldn’t stop me, I did it Covid style!”

To adhere to social distancing rules, volunteers prepared takeout containers of food at the Heritage Worship Centre, which were then handed out from the side walk.

They visited several location in the City of Hamilton including Court Street and Front Street.

Ms Peniston added: “I remember what it was like to be hungry at Christmas. I have been there.

“I wanted to give back to make sure people don’t have to go through that – that is my inspiration every year.”

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Published December 31, 2020 at 8:00 am (Updated December 30, 2020 at 3:21 pm)

Regina and friends bring some Christmas cheer to the streets

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