Giving a helping hand to young men seeking to succeed
A young businessman inspired by his own misfortune has launched a drive providing suits to young men looking to succeed.
Mikal Minors, founder of the soon-to-be-registered clothing and entertainment business Bermuda Better, is asking the community to donate suits so he can distribute them to those who cannot afford to buy their own.
Mr Minors, now 24, said that taking part in the Mirrors mentoring programme as a group leader at the age of 19 transformed his life and led him to question his own direction.
He told The Royal Gazette: “The contents of the programme applied a lot more to my life than I think anyone intended. It was life changing.
“At 19, I realised that I wanted to be better than the person I had learned to be. Without knowing the successful positive male role models who followed a non-traditional career path, it took me several years to figure out how to do it. I’d like to become that example.
“I'd like others to have more opportunities than I did – my goal is to be the change.”
Better Bermuda has reached out to fraternities, male-oriented organisations and retailers encouraging them to donate gently used professional clothes.
He said that the drive aims to “empower and uplift young men”.
“I would like anyone who receives a suit to take the opportunity to do a job interview or pursue business aspirations with a new sense of confidence,” he said.
“I know that I do not feel comfortable walking into a business environment without professional dress – especially walking into a job interview or presenting a business proposal.
“It is for those who need it. If you don’t own a suit already, you are eligible.”
Mr Minors has been working on building Bermuda Better for the past two months. He said part of his motivation was to give back.
He added: “I really believe that while making money is important, focusing only on money hinders growth. I thought about how I could serve the community with what I have now to deal with a problem that needs addressing.”
Mr Minors is accepting donations from now until March 15.
Anyone interested in donating or receiving a suit can e-mail Mr Minors on
Bermuda Better has also launched a Facebook page @bermudabetterltd and has an Instagram page @bermudabetter in the works.
Mr Minors can also be contacted via WhatApp at 518-9844.