Following like sheep
A group of sheep have perfectly demonstrated how to obey the stay-at-home order in a photo circulating on social media.
The National Museum of Bermuda captured and Tweeted the light hearted image of the sheep huddled in the doorway at the Commissioner’s House where the museum is located.
It appeared under the caption: “Lockdown take two, day 1. NMB sheep-scapers reporting for duty since our humans are working from home. Here, we demonstrate ’sheltering in plaaaaace.’”
Katie Bennet, advancement officer at the museum, decided to post the photo, taken by Andrew Harris, NMB head of facilities to help bring some cheer on the first day of Bermuda’s second lockdown.
Ms Bennett said: “I thought it was perfect for shelter in place.
“It is just to provide a little levity, distraction and humour.
“We have an arrangement with a local farmer Richard Bascome who uses our space to let his flock roam and stretch their legs and in return they do our landscaping for us and provide fertiliser. They have been here for over a decade.”
Ms Bennett said that the museum started posting photos of the sheep during the first lockdown and it “took off”.
She added: “We were doing daily sheep posts during that lockdown and so thought we would bring it back. When staff are able to be up there, they take photos and send them to me. I have about 400 pictures of sheep on my phone.
“We like to have the sheep report what is going on they as are the keeper of the keep fort. They are good ambassadors for the museum.”