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Four recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours list

A total of four Bermudians were awarded the Queen’s Certificate and Badge of Honour in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, it was revealed last night.

Queen’s honour: Laurie Shiell, the executive director of the Centre Against Abuse (Photograph supplied)

Laurie Shiell, the executive director of the Centre Against Abuse, was honoured for services to the community.

Queen’s honour: Allan Trew, former manager of the Hamilton Princess (Photograph supplied)

Ms Shiell, who has worked in the role for 12 years, has established herself as a powerful campaigner and was identified as “a global role model” for people working to eliminate violence against women.

A Government spokeswoman said: “During the course of the pandemic, she has met the needs of the community following the unfortunate increase in domestic violence issues, securing domestic violence protection orders in support of those seeking to extricate themselves from abusive relationships.

Allan Trew, a veteran of the hotel industry was given his award for services to tourism.

Mr Trew, who retired in 2017 after 36 years in the business as hotel manager at the Hamilton Princess, was said to be “a consummate professional who has, through his diligence, risen to the top of the industry in Bermuda, serving as a mentor to young people entering tourism”.

Clarence Maxwell won his award for services to culture and Bermudian history.

Dr Maxwell is among the most important academic authorities on the African Diaspora and the history of the Atlantic world.

He formerly worked at the Bermuda Maritime Museum as registrar and director of historical research and is now an assistant professor of history at Millersville University in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Dr Maxwell’s published work includes Race and Servitude: the birth of a social and political order in Bermuda 1616-1669 and Enslaved Merchants: Enslaved Merchant Mariners and the Bermuda Conspiracy of 1791.

John Beard, who has taught in Bermuda for 40 years, was recognised for his contributions to sport.

The spokeswoman said: “He has cultivated generations of young men and women in sport and has served in a variety of sports administrative role.”

Queen’s honour: Clarence Maxwell, the former registrar and director of historical research at the Bermuda Maritime Museum (Photograph supplied)

He joined as head of physical education at Saltus Grammar School and later became deputy head of the school.

Mr Beard has served on a variety of sports bodies, including chairman of the Bermuda Island Games Association, the Bermuda Olympic Association and has been a member of the Bermuda Football Association executive and a coach of its youth teams.

Queen’s honour: Jon Beard, deputy head of Saltus Grammar School (Photograph supplied)

He has also served as president of the Bermuda Athletic Association, chairman of the Bermuda Council for Drug Free Sport, later the Bermuda Sport Anti-Doping Authority and chairman of the Bermuda Schools Sports Federation.

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Published June 12, 2021 at 7:59 am (Updated June 12, 2021 at 7:59 am)

Four recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours list

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