Consultation opens on future of North East Hamilton
The public is being asked to give feedback on plans for the future of North East Hamilton.
The Draft North East Hamilton Local Plan 2021, created by the Department of Planning, was posted online at the Department’s website last month.
The Ministry of Home Affairs has now opened the plan for public consultation, with the public able to submit feedback until October 8.
Walter Roban, the Minister of Home Affairs, said: “If you have not done so, I encourage all interested parties to review the document in full and provide your feedback.
“Your contributions will enable the Department of Planning to further enhance the plan thus ensuring the final version meets the needs of all area residences, businesses and the people of Bermuda for the foreseeable future.”
The draft plan listed the Princess Street District, which included the historic Wantley House, as an Historic Area that would have received special protection.
However the plan, if approved, would not come into effect until next year.
The draft plan is both available online, and a copy is available for inspection at the Department of Planning offices on the fifth floor of the Dame Lois Browne Evans Building.
For further information or to contact the Department of Planning, e-mail or call 297-7756.