Locked tight: park swing fixed again – with nuts, bolts and superglue
A baby swing at a public park has been fixed for the third time this year, the public works ministry said yesterday.
A spokesman for the ministry said a new technique had been used to fix the swing at Shelly Bay Park in Hamilton Parish.
He added: “The ministry can also advise that repairs were made last Wednesday … and from now on, stainless steel bolts, washers, locknuts and Loctite glue will be used to secure them.”
The spokesman told the public: “As a reminder, when using any equipment located on public grounds, check to ensure it is not compromised or poses a danger to users.“
It was noticed that the swing was broken earlier this month.
Nuts and bolts, used to hold the swing together and attach it to the swing chains, were found to be missing.
The same problem happened in May and the swing was repaired.
Parents who used the park with their children complained in January of missing fasteners on the swing.
The public works spokesman said: “The Department of Parks continues to make the best effort to monitor and assess playground and other equipment located on public property to ensure it is safe and fit for use.”
He added: “The public is urged to reserve use of the equipment for the enjoyment of our children.
“The ministry is confident that using the swings as intended will reduce the possibility of damage.”
But one parent, who asked not to be named, said: “I now believe the issue is old rusty chains that are uneven.
“Over time, not much time, it becomes unbalanced.”
The parent asked: “Why isn’t there access to public records, where safety inspections, if there are any, are logged in regard to all safety issues, not just children, where there is potential danger?”
The ministry did respond to questions on the parent’s claim.
People should report damage to park equipment to the Department of Parks or the Ministry of Public Works on 236 5902 or by e-mail to parksdept@gov.bm.