BCF appoints Amanda Outerbridge chairwoman
The Bermuda Community Foundation has appointed Amanda Outerbridge chairwoman.
In addition, two new board members have been appointed — Gavin Barlow and Diana Darrell.
Ms Outerbridge, a BCF board member since 2014, has a background in journalism, communications, non-profit leadership and philanthropy. She was a member of the task force that led to the formation of the BCF.
Ms Darrell is an investment portfolio manager at Arch Investment Management with ten years’ experience in the field and has an MBA specialising in finance, global business and strategy.
Mr Barlow, a chartered accountant with more than 10 years’ experience in auditing, risk and governance, is manager, financial reporting, at Bacardi International.
“It’s a pleasure to welcome Gavin and Diana and the new perspective they bring to the board,” Ms Outerbridge said. “Their inclusion changes the dynamic at an important time.
“Current and past board members have overseen the formation and development of the BCF — plus some unexpectedly challenging times with the pandemic. Our new team members will bring a valuable perspective as we work to address current and future community needs effectively.”
CEO and managing director and BCF board member Myra Virgil added: “This additional expertise in finance and investment is particularly beneficial right now as we focus on building the BCF endowment.
“As young professionals, Diana and Gavin are invested in the need to be prepared to meet future challenges for the community, and specifically, the third sector.
“The community has gone through massive change since the BCF was established in 2014, and the level of need we see today is not something we could have anticipated in those early days.”
Other BCF board members are:
• Michael Brace, investment professional and former member of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo.
• Brian O’Hara, former chairman of the XL Capital Ltd board of directors and president and
CEO of XL.
• Nikkita Scott, director of counselling and student activities for Bermuda College.
For additional information on board members see the BCF website.