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Carlita Lodge given public service excellence award

Great enthusiasm: Carlita Lodge, culture affairs programme manager for the Department of Culture, receives the Public Service Excellence Award from David Burt, the Premier, and Derrick Binns, the Head of the Civil Service (Photo courtesy Department of Communications/Mark Tatem)

A coordinator behind the Government’s Heritage Month events has been recognised with the Public Service Excellence Award for June.

Carlita Lodge, culture affairs programme manager with the Department of Culture, was nominated for the award for her work on Heritage Month and the Bermuda Day Parade.

A Government spokeswoman said Ms Lodge “displayed great enthusiasm” in coordinating participants for this year’s Bermuda Day festivities.

David Burt, the Premier, said: “The Bermuda Day celebrations are always a highlight on our annual calendar of events, and after a two-year absence it was wonderful to see us come together to celebrate our unique culture, our proud history and most importantly all of the things that unify us as Bermudians.

“Putting together such a day takes considerable planning and coordination from a number of Government departments and private sector organisations, all of whom worked tirelessly to ensure the day was a great success.

“Carly’s dedication and leadership in managing the parade participants and working with private and public sector entities should be applauded.”

Derrick Binns, the Head of the Public Service, added: “Hats off to Ms Lodge for her infectious enthusiasm and community spirit.

“On behalf of the Public Service Executive and myself, thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to your ministry and to the people of Bermuda."

The PSEA programme was launched to recognise public officers who demonstrate admirable work, with a different individual or team highlighted every month based on their accomplishments over the previous 60 days.

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Published July 11, 2022 at 7:49 am (Updated July 11, 2022 at 7:49 am)

Carlita Lodge given public service excellence award

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