Community unites for peace walk
A cross section of the community gathered for a peace walk in support of needy families in Paget and Warwick on Saturday.
Among those in attendance, which started at Bermuda College were Ianthia Simmons-Wade, the MP for Warwick North East, and Scott Pearman, MP for Paget East.
Donations raised as part of the event will go towards a food programme from Christ Church Warwick providing full lunches to students in need at Paget Primary and Purvis Primary schools.
Ms Simmons-Wade said of the walk, which included representatives of ten community groups: “We are all aware of the challenges that our island is experiencing – we will only be able to address them when we come together as a community through means like these – the peace walk and donating funds to those in need.”
Mr Pearman added: “It is a pleasure for me to be involved in making this a bipartisan effort – along with MP Wade – to address these significant challenges and to do the walk, and donate to the fund to assist challenged families.”
Walkers set out at 4pm from the college campus in Paget before making their way along Ord Road and ending at Warwick Workmen’s Club.
Proceedings began with a welcome by Pastor Deborah Dean of the Rehoboth Church of God.
An Olivewood sapling was then presented by Dave Horan, principal of Warwick Academy, as a symbolic “peace tree”, to two representatives of the college – Daque Davis of the Student Government Council and Elisha Thomas of personal development programme MenSpeak.
Mr Horan said: “Our school is a private school with a public purpose. Since Warwick Workmen’s Club is our closest neighbour, we began a relationship with them some years ago and through this current collaboration, we’re linking with the wider community.
“I recognise that given the challenges across the island, this is important to foster a sense of hope in our communities.”
The group took a minute of silence at the site of a murder in the weeks leading up to last Christmas.
A second pause was taken in front of Paget Primary School which is part of the collaboration.
Funds can be donated either at the Warwick Workmen’s Club or Christ Church, Warwick or Clarien Bank (Bermuda) ‘Friends of Christ Church Warwick Trust (ref ‘Peace Walk’) Account number# 6000-166-404.