Hats on to raise money for students at school
Residents are being invited to wear their favourite hat or cap in support of students with learning difficulties.
Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy is launching its second annual Hat Day fundraiser on Wednesday after the success of the inaugural event last year.
Margaret Phillips, the academy’s principal, said: “We ask all schools and the general public to support our Hat Day by wearing your favourite hat or cap, or creating your own.
“Bermuda, let’s come together to support our students who present with moderate to profound multiple learning disabilities and complex care needs.
“At Hope Academy, we pride ourselves in reflecting a culture of practice firmly grounded in the belief that all of our students can, do, and will continue to learn with targeted interventions and supports.”
Requested donations of $2 for students and $5 for adults will go towards the Friends of Hope Academy Charity.
To register contact Julie Lynn at jperry@moed.bm
Online donations can be made to HSBC 010-13700-001, referencing “Hat Day” in the transfer.