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Somerset Re staff volunteer at Tucker House

Joint effort: representatives from Somerset Re and the Bermuda National Trust, at Tucker House in St George (Photograph supplied)

Staff from a reinsurance firm donated time in support of a World Heritage Site museum.

As part of Somerset Re’s semi-annual corporate responsibility day, 20 volunteers from the company donated their time at Tucker House in St George on June 6.

Changing very little since it was built in 1752, Tucker House, managed by the Bermuda National Trust, features fine porcelain and Bermuda Cedar furniture inside.

Joseph Hayne Rainey, who was born a slave and later became the first African-American to sit as a member of the United States House of Representatives, ran a barber shop in part of the building in the 19th century.

The power of volunteer teamwork: volunteers from Somerset Re joined representatives from the Bermuda National Trust at Tucker House in St George earlier this month (Photograph supplied)

Charlotte Andrews, head of cultural heritage at BNT, said the volunteers accomplished more in one day than the trust’s small team could get done in months.

She added: “It’s always a magic moment to witness the power of volunteer teamwork.

“Tucker House is now really shining and ready to share its many stories for the busy summer season in our world heritage site thanks to Somerset Re.”

Volunteers from Somerset Re joined representatives from the Bermuda National Trust at Tucker House in St George earlier this month (Photograph supplied)

Hannah Snelling, one of the Somerset Re volunteers, called giving back to the museum “something special”.

Volunteers from Somerset Re join representatives from the Bermuda National Trust at Tucker House in St George earlier this month (Photograph supplied)

She said: “I was proud to share the heritage of St George, where our island all started, with colleagues from Bermuda and overseas.

“The trust team brought Tucker House and wider world heritage site to life for all of us with their knowledge and enthusiasm.”

Volunteers from Somerset Re join representatives from the Bermuda National Trust at Tucker House in St George earlier this month (Photograph supplied)

Companies that want to volunteer at the BNT’s museums and cultural heritage sites can contact Dr Andrews at charlotte.andrews@bnt.bm or 236-6483 extension 225.

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Published June 28, 2023 at 7:48 am (Updated June 28, 2023 at 10:36 pm)

Somerset Re staff volunteer at Tucker House

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