Fish match: Cup Match comes to North Rock Tank
An undersea spin on Cup Match took to the North Rock Tank at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo yesterday.
East faced off against West to a backdrop of coral and mermaids in a display created by BAMZ staff with interns enacting the great game on the floor of the tank.
The sands were decorated with flags commemorating next week’s match.
The spectacle proved almost as much a hit with visitors as the real thing, according to Ian Walker, BAMZ principal curator, who reported that Somerset “did well on the bowling”.
“But St George’s responded strongly on the batting and the cownose rays went wild.”
With the match a washout, it was unclear which side took the trophy in the showdown.
Dr Walker said: “It was a draw — the game was called due to rain(bow) parrotfish.”
He added: “The visitors also got a kick out of it.”