Use caution in Dockyard as North Arm erodes
Use extreme caution in an area of the Royal Naval Dockyard for the next few months, visitors and residents have been warned.
According to the Ministry of Public Works, erosion along the North Arm poses a safety hazard to people on land, as well as mariners, in the area.
As a result, the West End Development Corporation will fence off impacted sections of the seawall until it is repaired.
Andrew Dias, general manager of the West End Development Corporation, said in July that the roughly 200-year-old stone barrier had “several areas of erosion that will need to be attended to, and this will likely be completed in a phased approach.”
He attributed this erosion to the area’s constant exposure to “wind, waves, cruise ships and all other boats, including tugs”.
The ministry expects a design for a restoration plan next week. Once this plan is finalised, Wedco will begin the repair process and look to have the project tendered.
The restoration will take months to complete once construction starts.