Airport lighting upgrade recommended for approval
Plans to bolster lighting at the LF Wade International Airport’s runway have been recommended for approval by the Department of Planning.
The application, submitted this year, proposed upgrades to the airports approach lighting system and work on existing pile caps in Annie’s Bay on the eastern side of the airport, near Clearwater Beach.
The four existing piers in the bay would be modified with dredging to lay electrical conduit beneath the seabed.
A report by a technical officer said the existing lighting system was outdated and the piers in the bay were both below the 150-year storm surge elevation and only accessible by boat with no walkways interconnecting them.
“The proposed works would address all of these points, which is considered to outweigh the minor environmental and visual impacts,” the report said.
Planning documents said the upgrades and refurbishments included in the project were needed for “life cycle replacements for the existing deteriorating piers and lighting”.
A barge with crane will be required for the construction of the proposed system and it is anticipated that marine works would take 14 weeks, piling and concrete works would have a duration of 12 weeks and dredging and pipe installation works will take two weeks.
Construction hours would be limited due to airport operations, with pile driving to take place during nights.
While a Strategic Impact Assessment found that the project would have a “minor adverse” impact on the marine and terrestrial environment in the area, the report found measures could be put in place to reduce those impacts.
“As part of the assessment of alternatives, the ‘do nothing’ option is considered by the SIS wherein the existing lighting would continue to be used and continue to deteriorate, which would be more costly and pose negative impacts on the marine environment in the long-term,” the report said.
“Other identified options comprise runway configuration and reducing the length of Runway 30, which were discounted due to additional costs and requirements for significant airfield changes in respect of the former and limiting the type/size of aircraft that could land in Bermuda in respect of the latter.
“These conclusions are accepted and it is considered that the SIS has appropriately considered alternatives to the proposal.”
While the report recommended the application be approved, it was also recommended that no work take place between October 10 and December 10, or between April 20 and June 20 to reduce the impact on seabirds.
The application is due to go before the Development Application’s Board for consideration.