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Holiday dinner feeds crowds on Court Street

Volunteer Xela Hall spoons out gravy for a Christmas dinner for the needy (Photograph by Owain Johnston-Barnes)

A goodwill Christmas dinner drew hundreds of in-need people to Court Street yesterday.

Regina Peniston, who has hosted the annual Boxing Day meal for the past 16 years, said that between 150 and 200 diners came out for the holiday fare or had food delivered to them by volunteers.

“It has been extremely busy,” she said. “Busier than past years.

“It’s not just people who are homeless. There are a lot of people in need, they are hungry and so we need to feed them.

“It has been very busy. People were waiting here since 1.30pm and we have volunteers taking out 20 meals at a time to people who can’t get here.”

Ms Peniston began to offer Christmas dinner on Court Street after she overcame her own struggles, including a period of homelessness, in an effort to give back to the community.

The event has gradually grown and become an annual tradition that continued through the pandemic.

Ms Peniston was thrilled by the response to her request for help to hold this year’s event. Sponsors stepped up to donate food and more than 20 volunteers agreed to serve the meals.

Volunteers deliver a hot Christmas dinner to the needy on Boxing Day (Photograph by Owain Johnston-Barnes)

A long line of recipients circled the tables at the junction of Court Street and Dundonald Street yesterday afternoon. They were given plates loaded with turkey, ham, stuffing, peas and rice, macaroni and cheese, vegetables and more.

However, Ms Peniston said it was an emotional day for her because it was the first such occasion since Robin Tota, her cousin and a long-time volunteer, had died.

“We had a moment of silence for my cousin Robin and I cried and cried,” she said. “I miss her but she is looking down on us today.

“Her and my friend Lawrence. They are helping it run flawlessly.”

Ms Peniston thanked all of those who supported the event this year and in the past.

She added: “I am very emotional. I’m just so happy that I was chosen to do this.

“I am just so grateful that I was chosen do to this for these guys.”

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Published December 27, 2023 at 7:56 am (Updated December 27, 2023 at 8:14 am)

Holiday dinner feeds crowds on Court Street

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