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Supporting women on a journey to fulfilment at WRC

Juanae Crockwell, executive director of the Women’s Resource Centre (File photograph)

A personal development programme equipping a cohort of ten women with the tools to remodel their lives over nine months has been launched by the Women’s Resource Centre.

The package of the WRC’s core services, called Transform, delivers an “in-depth therapeutic experience” towards a healthy and fulfilling life, the centre announced.

The programme covers individual counselling, life skills education and training opportunities for employment or entrepreneurship.

Women aged 25 and above are encouraged to apply, with registration open and an information session, including an explanation of the application process, planned for 2pm this Sunday at the WRC office.

Juanae Crockwell, the executive director of the WRC, said the charity looked forward to supporting the women on their journey towards “a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life”.

She added: “This programme is a collection of our foundational services — counselling and support, education and training, and advocacy and awareness — and will provide participants with the support network needed to make positive life changes.

“WRC intends this programme to be a vehicle towards improved mental and emotional health, employability and independence.

“However, it will be a deeply personal experience for each participant and their goals and outcomes will vary.”

The programme consists of three phases.

Participants begin with a therapeutic intervention to address trauma and help manage mental and emotional challenges.

Therapeutic services will be provided by Camille Creary, the founder of Cocoon Work Bermuda and one of WRC’s consultant mental health counsellors.

During phase two, life skills training will be incorporated with the support of community partners, covering topics such as budgeting, resume writing and interview skills.

Phase three includes mentorship and an opportunity to pursue an education or training programme.

Transform, which is exclusively sponsored by HSBC Bermuda, will run from June 2024 through February 2025.

Yolanda Outerbridge of HSBC said the bank was “delighted” to partner with the WRC again.

“At HSBC, we understand the significance of supporting local initiatives aimed at addressing social, economic, and gender disparities.

“Our continued support underscores our commitment to foster collaborative and empowering opportunities that nurture the development and personal growth of women to navigate life successfully.”

Partner groups include Adult Education Services, the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation and the Bermuda College.

Ms Crockwell thanked HSBC: “We believe whole heartedly that when you invest in women, all of society are beneficiaries of that investment.”

Applications for Transform are available on the WRC website or at its office or by visiting the WRC office at Sofia House on Church Street, Hamilton.

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Published April 22, 2024 at 3:19 pm (Updated April 25, 2024 at 4:00 pm)

Supporting women on a journey to fulfilment at WRC

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