Preserving identity a key focus of Preservation Week
Preservation Week, starting today, highlights the cherishing of Bermuda’s unique and diverse history through the coming week.
According to the Bermuda Archives, this year’s event will be held under theme “Preserving Identity“.
The organisation said: “We are excited to showcase our preservation initiatives and offer valuable tips on how you can safeguard your memories at home.”
The Bermuda National Library supports the National Archives event with Ellen Hollis, librarian at the Bermuda Historical Society, told The Royal Gazette: “We need to preserve what we have, and this event shows why.
“Preservation is vital to be able to look back at history and have a good idea of what exactly was recorded from different perspectives.”
Ms Hollis recalled that the National Library had been gifted the scrapbooks of National Hero Gladys Morrell, who led the women’s suffrage movement in Bermuda.
She said the work of the movement was covered at the time in all of the island’s newspapers including The Royal Gazette, the Mid-Ocean News, The Bermuda Colonist and The Bermuda Recorder.
“She kept all the clippings. We inherited her scrapbook and we are so grateful to have them. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t have the whole story. We only have partial collections of some of these newspapers.”
A decades-old table used by Ms Morrell sits in the library, which Ms Hollis called another piece of Bermuda history — acquired in 2017 at an auction.
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