National Heroes Day to affect garbage collection
National Heroes Day will affect garbage collection next week, the Ministry of Public Works has advised.
Trash normally collected on Monday, June 17, will be picked up the next day.
Garbage collections will roll over each day for the rest of the week, concluding with pick-ups on June 22 from households that would usually have collections on Fridays.
The ministry said: “Recycling collection will remain unchanged as this is not a recycling collection week.
“Members of the public may also use the Tynes Bay public drop-off, which is open seven days a week from 7am until 7pm, to dispose of household waste, tin, aluminium and glass recyclables, hazardous materials such as paints and pesticides and bulky burnable and non-burnable items.
“This facility is free and open to drivers of private cars and L and LP vehicles only.”
• For more about the island’s waste management and recycling,