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Pro-Palestine march on Saturday

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The march begins at the Cabinet Grounds and ends at the Arboretum (Image supplied)

A peaceful march being organised by a string of activist and human rights groups standing for the people of Palestine is set for Saturday.

The event is to be hosted by The Peace Collective, Social Justice Bermuda, the Muslim Community of Bermuda, Progressive Minds and Bermuda is Love.

It will begin on the grounds of the Cabinet Office at 5pm on Front Street before proceeding past the US Consulate General and ending at the Arboretum in Devonshire for a gathering with speeches, music and poetry.

The Peace Collective also launched a petition, addressed to Rena Lalgie, the Governor, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and a British arms embargo to Israel.

A spokeswoman for Social Justice Bermuda said: “Back in October 2023, Social Justice Bermuda joined other global social justice movements and human rights groups in calling for an immediate ceasefire to allow for humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza.

“We stated, ‘we must be clear in calling this situation what it is, this is not a conflict, this is not a war, this is a genocide.’

“Now, over 250 days later, we have stood as witnesses to this horrific atrocity. Over six months of war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the occupying power and over half a year of genocide waged by Israel against the Palestinian people in an ongoing Nakba.

“And, as we mark Bermuda’s National Heroes, we remember the strength of those who fought against oppressive forces and who refused to stay silent. We honour them by doing the same and continuing to call for a ceasefire.”

The collective drew attention to a report by the United Nations. The Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory concluded that Israeli authorities and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, are responsible for war crimes.

United Nations report

“In relation to Israel’s military operations and attacks in Gaza from October 7, the commission concluded that Israeli authorities were responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. Israel’s total siege of the Gaza Strip had weaponised the provision of life-sustaining necessities for strategic and political gains, including through cutting off supplies of water, food, electricity, fuel and other essential supplies, including humanitarian assistance.

“The commission found Israeli forces committed sexual and gender-based violence with the intent to humiliate and further subordinate the Palestinian community.

“In relation to the attack of October 7, 2023, in Israel, the commission found that Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups were responsible for the war crimes of intentionally directing attacks against civilians, murder or wilful killing, torture, inhuman or cruel treatment, destroying or seizing the property of an adversary, outrages upon personal dignity, and taking hostages. Children were killed, injured and physically and emotionally mistreated and instrumentalised by attackers for propaganda purposes.

“The commission identified patterns indicative of sexual violence and concluded that these were not isolated incidents but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations by Palestinian perpetrators, primarily against Israeli women. The commission would continue its investigations into all crimes under international law with the aim of achieving justice and accountability.”

A spokeswoman for the collective said the report “finds that Israel has committed several war crimes during their siege on Gaza”.

She added: “The report accuses Israel of using starvation as a method of warfare, forcible transfer and intentionally directing attacks against civilians.

“It calls on Israeli leaders to end attacks resulting in the killing and maiming of civilians in Gaza immediately, to end the siege, to implement a ceasefire and to pay reparations.

“The USA and the UK, which continue to be complicit and use taxpayer money to materially aid the occupation and genocide against the Palestinian people, should also be held accountable.

“As a British territory abroad, Bermuda is complicit in its silence. Bermuda, home to many freedom fighters, has a long legacy of being involved and impactful in global affairs, and while we might be a small island, we are not powerless.

“We encourage the people of Bermuda to rise up and walk in the footsteps of these freedom fighters by speaking up against Israel’s ongoing assault on innocent lives, the continued war crimes and dismissal of international law.

“While it is easy to point fingers at the US and the UK, the material support of these atrocities is also taking place on this little island.”

Social Justice Bermuda listed three companies with a presence in Bermuda that it identified as being complicit in the occupation.

The Royal Gazette has reached out to the three companies to provide them with a right of reply.

Organisations hosting the march

The Peace Collective: a diverse group of Bermuda residents dedicated to peace and justice, raising awareness about global human rights issues

Social Justice Bermuda: a coalition focused on promoting social justice and equity within Bermuda

Muslim Community of Bermuda: a religious community advocating for peace, justice and humanitarian efforts

Progressive Minds: an organisation committed to progressive social change and human rights advocacy

Bermuda Is Love: an organisation that was started by a group of friends looking to encourage collaboration, education, activism, advocacy and love for the community and the environment

* Information provided by the collective

The march organisers have issued a call for action for residents to join them at the Cabinet Office.

They also encouraged the public to sign the petition to the Governor, which says: “We, the undersigned, residents of Bermuda, call upon you, as the representative of our Government, to use your voice and diplomatic channels to support international efforts for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.”

Asked for comment, Fiona Elkinson , the president of the board of the Jewish Community in Bermuda, called for a peaceful end to the conflict.

She said: “I urge all parties involved to work towards de-escalation, dialogue and reconciliation.

“A lasting peace can only be achieved through mutual understanding, respect for each other's rights and a commitment to coexistence. It is my hope that both Israelis and Palestinians can find a path towards a peaceful and prosperous future for all.”

Ms Elkinson added: “While the situation in Gaza is undoubtedly tragic, it is essential to recognise that Israel has taken steps to minimise civilian casualties.”

She said such steps include “issuing warnings before military strikes and providing humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population, where it is known that Gaza has not a shortage of food but a distribution problem due to Hamas’s brutal control of whatever gets into Gaza”.

Ms Elkinson said “Israel, like any sovereign nation, has the right to defend itself against threats to its security and the safety of its citizens”.

In offering her perspective on the situation, she said the conflict is “complex and multifaceted, with historical roots and geopolitical dynamics that must be taken into consideration”.

“It is simplistic and naive to believe that Israel is responsible for all the ills of the Middle East. Additionally, bringing Israel to court on spurious allegations of genocide does not make them guilty.”

The Gazette has approached Government House for comment.

The flyer for the pro-Palestine march (Image supplied)

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Published June 20, 2024 at 7:58 am (Updated June 20, 2024 at 1:07 pm)

Pro-Palestine march on Saturday

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