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PLP supports UN resolution for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

The Peace March for Palestine started on the grounds of the Cabinet Office on June 22 (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

The Progressive Labour Party central committee has voted to support the United Nations resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The PLP said it stood with hundreds of countries and thousands of organisations globally in support of an end to the violence and suffering in the region.

Dawn Simmons, the party’s chairwoman, said: "The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party stands firmly with the global community in advocating for peace and the protection of human rights.

"The ongoing conflict in Gaza has caused significant hardship and it is imperative that the world works towards a swift and just resolution.

“As a British colony and under Bermuda’s existing constitution, we recognise that Bermuda’s foreign policy is dictated by the UK. But as a party, we believed it was important to let the people of Bermuda know where we stand as an organisation and we will continue to advocate for constitutional change in Bermuda so that our island’s foreign policy is dictated by Bermudians, not the UK.”

A peace march for the Middle East was held last week, starting on the grounds of the Cabinet Office, and was attended by about 200 supporters.

The event was hosted by The Peace Collective, Social Justice Bermuda, the Muslim Community of Bermuda, Progressive Minds and Bermuda is Love.