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‘Critical system failure’ hinders water supply

Water truckers have urged the public to conserve in the face of challenges (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

The Ministry of Public Works has said it is working to address the island’s water systems while a reservoir undergoes temporary repairs.

A ministry spokesman said that a “critical system failure” had hindered Tynes Bay Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant, while a big leak had been identified at the Prospect reservoirs.

The spokesman said that an interim solution is expected to be in place by the end of the weekend to allow for a more consistent supply to piped-water customers and ensure that the North Shore Water Truckers Outlet remains operational “whenever possible”.

“The ministry acknowledges the inconvenience caused and sincerely appreciates the public’s patience and co-operation as these issues are resolved,” the spokesman said.

“The ministry’s top priority remains ensuring a reliable water supply for all residents, and we are working diligently to restore normal service as soon as possible.”

The statement came after the Bermuda Water Truckers Association urged the public to conserve water, citing problems related to the island’s “water production, distribution and storage infrastructure” with the eastern and central parishes most affected.

Affected outlets

Bermuda Land Development Company (Marginal Wharf, St David’s): offline for several years

Bermuda Land Management Company (St David’s): not yet operational

Government Prospect: offline for several years

Government Quarry (East End): closed

Government “mobile” trailer: out of commission

Tynes Bay outlet: experiencing closures, reduced production and reduced hours

Port Royal: open, with historically intermittent service in times of high demand

“Containerised” back-up reverse osmosis plant: no longer dedicated to water truckers, for over a decade

It explained: “The East End Water Truckers Outlet has been forced to shut down, while the primary water facility at Tynes Bay is operating under heavily restricted hours, when open, with intermittent closures.

“These limitations have drastically reduced the ability of water truckers to meet the island’s growing demand, resulting in significant delays for water deliveries.

“The government water section has acknowledged the urgency of the situation and has committed to undertaking extensive infrastructure repairs.

“We convey our sincere thanks for the efforts they are putting in, seven days a week.”

The group urged the public to conserve water and not wait until their tanks are empty to place orders.

It said: “Maintaining a minimum one to two-week supply in your tank at all times, is a good rule of thumb, especially in the East End.”

One water trucker, who asked not to be named, said that drivers servicing customers in St George’s and St David’s have had to collect water from Port Royal.

“You have to drive from one end of the island to the other, which is economic suicide,” he said. “We spend more on gas than anything else.

“It’s only February right now, and if it doesn’t get sorted out before the drier months, then we are going to be in a really bad place.”

So far this year, the Bermuda Weather Service has recorded 5.47in of rainfall, several inches below the 7.27in average for the same period.

The ministry spokesman said that in addition to the below-normal rainfall, a “critical system failure” had affected the infrastructure that fed water into the Tynes Bay reverse osmosis plant.

“Additionally, engineers have identified a major leak in the Prospect reservoirs, which were built in the 1950s and have deteriorated structurally over time,” he said.

“The reservoirs are unable to hold a sustainable water volume, severely limiting distribution capacity.

“The ministry had been using one of the lesser-leaking reservoirs while conducting repairs on another. However, the in-service reservoir has since deteriorated further, worsening supply constraints.

“As a result, the ministry cannot service all customers in the Central Distribution System simultaneously. The Eastern and Western distribution systems remain unaffected and are operating normally.

“The Government has also been working with the Bermuda Land Management Company to activate the mobile water truckers that were moved to South Side, St David’s, to help with eastern demand. The Government expects these truckers to be in place soon.”

The spokesman said the ministry had been in contact with the water truckers association and had been working closely with Bermuda Water Works Ltd, which has stepped up to help essential customers and medical facilities.

“The BWTA has communicated the urgency of the situation to the Bermuda Government, and this has been acknowledged,” the spokesman said.

“This temporary solution will enable the North Shore truckers outlet to remain operational and ensure that piped-water customers receive supply on a fair, rotating basis.”

To read the Bermuda Water Truckers Association statement in full, see Related Media

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Published February 13, 2025 at 8:04 am (Updated February 13, 2025 at 12:07 pm)

‘Critical system failure’ hinders water supply

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