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Ahmani Peets shares six-year baking journey

Ahmani Peets, second left, and his father, Anthony, second right, accept a certificate of recognition from the Hamilton Rotary Club (Photograph supplied)

A young man who runs his own cookie business has shared his journey and advocacy for the benefit of those on the autism spectrum.

Ahmani Peets, the owner of Ahmani’s Cookie Company, visited the Hamilton Rotary Club last week to discuss the growth of what has become a global business and his plans to open a café.

Mr Peets, 22, who is on the autism spectrum, said that his business helped him to become self-sufficient and feel empowered — something that everyone, including those on the autism spectrum, deserved to feel.

He explained: “l’ve seen videos of how l was — spinning, not talking, being by myself and full of anxiety.

“I now visit corporate offices and schools, sharing my journey with autism and the importance of early intervention and all people knowing how they can interact with each other.”

Mr Peets added: “Autism is not the easiest of journeys for many. One in 28 are on the spectrum and when l was diagnosed in 2004, it was 1 in 150.

“It is important for people to include autistic individuals in activities and understand it is a spectrum.

“If you meet one person on the spectrum, you have met just that one person.”

Mr Peets’ talk, which ended with him receiving a certificate of recognition, came shortly after the company celebrated six years of operation.

He started the business with his father, Anthony, when he was 16 after he was encouraged to think about his future.

Mr Peets told the crowd: “He asked me if I wanted to start a cookie company because I’ve always loved cookies and in my lunch box was always chocolate-chip cookies.”

Ahmani’s Cookies, which were first delivered to buyers on the weekend, is now sold at 18 locations across Bermuda and has been shipped to 44 countries around the world.

The 23 flavours that were offered in its first year have expanded to 149.

The baking business also started offering brownies, cheesecakes and cup cakes.

Mr Peets does not shy away from his placement on the autism spectrum. He hosts a livestream on TikTok every day labelled with #BakingWithAutism.

He said that he maintained his outspoken nature to show those with autism and their loved ones what was possible.

Mr Peets highlighted that 85 per cent of those on the autism spectrum were unemployed.

He contrasted this by adding: “I am the CEO of my company.

“In September, l will be one of 20,000 business exhibitors at the world's No 1 baking industry show called the International Baking Industry Expo.

“l will conduct a class, during which l will share how you can choose to hire those on the autism spectrum.”

Mr Peets hopes to open a café in Bermuda and offer employment to those on the autism spectrum with an interest in baking.

He said that the bricks-and-mortar business would be a family friendly place that promised “a great experience”.

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Published March 04, 2025 at 7:56 am (Updated March 04, 2025 at 7:47 am)

Ahmani Peets shares six-year baking journey

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