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Isabella’s fire safety message is clear for all to see

Safety message: Isabella Brielle Daniels with Chief Fire Officer Dana Lovell and national security minister Michael Weeks

A budding artist has her work on very public display after winning a fire safety awareness competition.

A poster designed by Isabella Brielle Daniels, 9, now decorates a Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service fire engine.

Isabella, a pupil at Bermuda High School, was inspired by the theme "Smoke alarms: make them work for you".

Chief Fire Officer Dana Lovell, of the BFRS, said: "We saw this as an opportunity to convey an important fire safety message while simultaneously recognising the creativity and imagination of our poster contest participants.

“We are thrilled to celebrate Isabella’s achievement and hope the public enjoys her artwork as much as we do.

"Preventing accidental fires is always the preferred option, and smoke detectors are an essential line of defence in achieving that goal," said of BFRS.“

Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security, praised Isabella’s achievement, adding: “It is inspiring to see young minds like Isabella’s engaging with such an important message.

“Fire safety is something that affects us all, and this initiative helps to reinforce that message in a creative and lasting way.

“I commend Isabella for her outstanding work and thank the BFRS for their continued dedication to fire safety education.

“Encouraging our youth to take an active role in community safety is invaluable, and I hope this contest continues to inspire future generations."

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Published March 16, 2025 at 5:15 pm (Updated March 16, 2025 at 4:37 pm)

Isabella’s fire safety message is clear for all to see

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