Cacti House at Botanical Gardens to be rebuilt
A building at the Botanical Gardens could be torn down and replaced after the Government called on companies to put forward bids.
The Ministry of Public Works released a request for proposals, published on the government procurement website, to rebuild the Cacti and Succulent House at the gardens in Paget.
The RFP said: “The works comprise the demolition of the existing single-storey, timber-framed post-and-beam structure, which has a flat timber-framed roof and battened wood siding walls.
“The rebuild will comprise a new ‘like-for-like’ structure, except for the new roof which will be pitched rather than flat and include a hutch.
“The roof will be covered with corrugated roof panels. New mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire services are required.”
Documents included in the RFP stated that the selected contractor would be expected to ensure minimal disruption to those enjoying the park as well as to ensure public safety.
“The contractor shall limit carrying out works at the Botanical Gardens between 7am and 4pm and within areas delineated on the site plan,” they said.
“The contractor shall protect and maintain all existing roads, footpaths and tracks within the site boundary, and keep them in a clean and serviceable condition and make good any damage or soiling prior to handing over the site to the owner on completion.
“The contractor shall be responsible for keeping all roads, footpaths and tracks on the Botanical Gardens’ grounds free from physical damage and mud and other materials deposited by vehicles connected with the works.”
Prospective applicants were also warned that they were not to take or uproot any plants without consent because of the number of rare and endemic species at the Botanical Gardens.
Companies interested in submitting a proposal must do so before 3pm on April 15.