National Sports Centre to reopen on Monday
The National Sports Centre is set to reopen on Monday, after being closed this week out of caution following a positive Covid-19 test on a part-time employee.
Now the facility, which caters to several sports during the week, will return to operation but with increased restrictions after the recent spike in Covid-19 cases on the island.
The following restrictions will be in place:
• People must check in at gatehouse/reception booth on their way in
• People are expected to use hand sanitiser that is located on the reception booth upon arrival and when leaving the facility
• Masks must be worn when entering and exiting the facility at all times but may be removed when participating in training activity
• Gym will be closed
• Physical distancing: people will be expected to adhere to physical distancing when using the facility. Users are asked that when they come to use the facility, they leave immediately after they are finished
Craig Tyrrell, the NSC’s senior vice-president of operations, said: “To ensure the health and wellbeing of all users of the facility, all groups are required to continue to manage their own activities following the guidelines set out by the NSC, your individual organisations and the Government’s return to sport policy, which is in phase one. It is equally important to note that the Government’s gathering size restrictions remains at ten people.
“Individual organisations will also be responsible for keeping accurate records of those in attendance on training days in the event the health department requires information for contact tracing purposes.”
According to Amy Fox, the aquatics and fitness manager, adjustments are being made in the pool area to ensure to ensure a safe environment for swimmers.
“The pool will be staying at 25 metres for the foreseeable future to allow for availability of 16 lanes and physical distancing to take place,” she explained.
“Members are not required to book lanes in advance for swimming.”