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Port Royal scrap initiation fees

Port Royal Golf Club have scrapped their initiation fee for new members.In a bid to attract some fresh blood in a challenging economy, Port Royal has unveiled a new price list for golfers of all ages.At the top of the scale is a seven day full membership, which now costs $4,000 per year, with a five-day membership available at $2,565. Seniors pay $1,995 and $1,425 respectively, while juniors can join for just $500.There is also a new corporate membership, which costs $11,000 and comes with three bearer cards, and discounts for holding corporate golf days at the home of the PGA Grand Slam.And, for the first time, there is an overseas membership available for $2,200.Membership of Port Royal brings with it a variety of discounts, including; 50 percent off green fees and buggy rental at Ocean View, discounts at the club shop and The Reefs hotel, and Grand Slam passes for this year’s tournament.Anyone interested in joining should contact the club on –234-0974.n Leroy Burch is Port Royal’s newest club champion after his victory this past weekend. Burch finished ahead of Mike McCrimmon and Richard Neame to take the title.Donna Jones was crowned Ladies champion, with Debra Ross second, while Richard Jones is the new seniors –champion.