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Goodwill needs better promotion Madeiros

Goodwill golf tournament director Alex Madeiros has called on Bermuda to “up their game” if the event is to survive.Last week’s tournament attracted just 46 teams, including local clubs, and some overseas teams needed Bermuda players to make up their foursome.The entry was some 20 teams less than a year ago and far less than in previous years when 80 or more flew in with professionals and three amateurs, bringing with them family members.It was considered by the Tourism Department one of the Island’s major sporting attractions.But as the Goodwill prepares for its 60th anniversary next December, Madeiros believes a major promotion will be needed to revive the event.Responding to last week’s Friday Forum column written by Royal Gazette Sports Editor Adrian Robson, which highlighted the tournament’s decline, Madeiros said: “It was a good factual article. He was absolutely correct.“It has been difficult since 2008 to get teams to come to Bermuda for the Goodwill simply because of the economy.“I have spent more on marketing the past three years than I have ever had to do. Still no positive result.“We provided additional e-mail blasts; encouraged professionals to send out the material to fellow professionals and clubs and even hired an East Coast Marketing firm.“Karen in my office contacted every single team that has come in the past and although they appreciated the call they simply could not get three amateurs that could afford to come to Bermuda.“I have spent a great deal of money on promoting golf in Bermuda but the reality is there are other more affordable destinations and Bermuda needs to “up their game” if they are to stay in the tourism business, especially sports.“What I am finding out, which is no real surprise, is that I seem as if I am fighting my own.“There are those that are bent on seeing the destruction of anything positive and it is discouraging to say the least.”However, Madeiros said he was still of the belief that the anniversary will bring in more teams than this year.“We are celebrating the 60th Anniversary next year and I am optimistic that we will have a full house.”