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Quality results in New Jersey

Gymnastics Challenge (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Quality Gymnastics enjoyed successful meets at the Crystal Springs Invitational in New Jersey and the Bermuda International Gymnastics Challenge in St David’s last month.

At the Crystal Springs meet for USAG Level Four, Avani Patton placed second on the beam and floor, third in the vault and bars, and second in the all-around. Sean Lawrence placed first in the vault, second on the bars, third on the floor and third in the all-around. Blake Boden placed second on the beam.

For the USAG Level Four team event, Quality Gymnastics placed second overall. In the USAIGC Bronze Level, Kateri Zuill was first in the floor and second in the vault.

Quality Gymnastics came first on the beam and second as a team overall at the Bermuda International Gymnastics Challenge at the National Training Centre on Southside.

Isabella Stowe placed first on the beam, second on the vault and floor, and third on the bars. Blake Boden was second on the vault, bars and beam, third on the floor, and second in the all-around.

Patton placed first in the vault and the bars, third on the floor, and third in the all-around. Lawrence came first on the floor and third on the beam.

In the USAIGC Copper Level, for 9 to 10-year-olds, Kayla Calveley placed first on the bars, first on the beam, second in the vault, and first in the all-around. Ella Bedford came first in the vault and the floor, third on the bars and the beam, and second in the all-round.

For the USAIGC Copper Level, for 7 to 8-year-olds, Patton came first on the vault and bars, second on the beam and floor, and first in the all-around.

Alyssa Andrews came first in beam and floor, second on the bars, and second in the all-around.

Alexandra Daniel placed third in the bars, beam and floor, and third in the all-around. In the USAIGC Copper Level, the team came second overall, while Celeste Candiolo came first in the bars in the USAIGC Bronze Level.

Alana Braxton placed first in the vault, second on the bars, beam and floor, and first overall.

Kateri Zuill came first on the bars and floor, and second overall. The USAIGC Bronze Level team placed first and second on the vault.

Quality Gymnastics, who are based at the old Berkeley Institute Gym, were formed in September 2015. For more information call 236-7496 or e-mail qgym@logic.bm.