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Recognition is given to outstanding health professionals

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Photo by Mark TatemPublic Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday

Outstanding professionals in public health were this week honoured for their efforts.Health Minister Zane DeSilva presented awards to three individuals during Public Health Week.“This year, Public Health Week has focused on preventing antibiotic resistance with the theme ‘Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work’.“We’ve placed a special focus on the role that physicians and pharmacists play in combatting antibiotic resistance and building a healthier Bermuda.“With this in mind, the public was invited to submit nominations for physicians and pharmacists who have distinguished themselves and their profession through their outstanding contributions in medical or pharmacy practices which have resulted in a significant improvement in the health of the population he or she serves.”June Hill took the public health professional award for physicians; Lynanne Bolton received the award for pharmacists; Eric Martin took the Chief Medical Officer’s award for Department of Health staff.A paediatrician in private practice for more than 30 years, Dr Hill said: “It’s always exciting to be recognised by one’s peers. I’ve had a happy collaboration with the Health Department for a very long time, and we get on very well.”She said of the theme for this year’s Public Health Week: “We’ve made a lot of progress on this since I started out. People used to demand antibiotics for their children. Nowadays, if I explain when children don’t need antibiotics, it’s very well accepted.”All other nominees were presented with certificates by Chief Medical Officer John Cann, at the ceremony held at Camden.l Useful website: www.health.gov.bm.

Photo by Mark TatemPublic Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemWinner of the Public Health Professional award for pharmacist Lynanne Bolton accepts her award from Minister of Health Zane DeSilva, as Permanent Secretary Kevin Monkman and Chief Medical Office Dr John Cann look on, at the 2011 Public Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemMinister of Health Zane DeSilva speaks at the 2011 Public Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemPublic Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemPublic Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemChief Medical Officer Dr John Cann speaks at the 2011 Public Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemPublic Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday
Photo by Mark TatemPublic Health Award Winners: Professional Award for Physicians winner Dr. June Hill stands left of Health Minister Zane DeSilva; Pharmacist winner Lynanne Bolton stands right. The Chief Medical Officer Award winner was Eric Martin. Also pictured are awards nominees, as part of Public Health Week.
Photo by Mark TatemWinner of the Public Health professional award for physicians Dr June Hill accepts her award from Minister of Health Zane DeSilva at the 2011 Public Heath Award Ceremony held at Camden yesterday