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Hospital takes hand hygiene seriously

The Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) yesterday celebrated Hand Hygiene Day to remind staff to wash their hands.The initiative, led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is intended to encourage good hand hygiene to prevent healthcare associated infection and improve patient safety.Hand hygiene signs and a pilot floor sign are being put up around the hospital to remind staff to be careful. Staff demonstrated their commitment by signing a giant hand placed in the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital lobby.Chief of Nursing, Quality & Risk Judy Richards said: “We need to improve and sustain the efforts to improve patient safety through the most basic but also the most important action cleaning your hands.“While the campaign focuses on healthcare workers, we need everyone who comes into the hospital to be aware that the well-being and health of our patients is literally in their hands too.”Useful websites: www.bermudahospitals.com, www.who.int.