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Pilot programme for chronic disease patients

A pilot programme to improve the care of chronic disease patients through a “multi-disciplinary approach has got underway.

But to qualify for the programme patients must be uninsured — and also sign a “health contract” taking personal responsibility for their health.

Junior Health Minister Lynne Woolridge told Senators that clients are now being accepted at the Beyond Wellness Clinic for the management of early to mid-stage chronic disease, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma and obesity.

To achieve the goals of quality service with documentable outcomes, the Beyond Wellness Clinic will accept only uninsured or underinsured clients who have been referred by a healthcare professional for management of their early to mid-stage chronic disease,” Sen Woolridge said.

“Close communication and collaboration will be maintained with the referring healthcare provider and patients will agree to a health contract with the clinic confirming their willingness to take personal responsibility for their health. Clients will be encouraged and supported to comply with treatment plans and to follow up as requested for care.”

Sen Woolridge said that the scheme “optimises the management of chronic diseases and improves health outcomes”.

“The meaningful health outcome measures we aim to achieve are a reduction in acute care visits — Emergency Department visits and hospital admissions — and improved clinical test results.”

Sen Woolridge said the scheme will continue until the end of March 2014 and will treat around 75 patients.