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Atherden speaks on healthcare needs

The Island is at a critical stage in addressing its healthcare needs and reform is vital to creating a more sustainable health system, according to Jeanne Atherden.

But the Minister of Health, Seniors and Environment said changing Bermuda’s culture for the better will take a concerted and unified effort from all involved.

Ms Atherden was speaking today at the Well Bermuda partnership annual meeting: the Island’s first concerted effort to create a joined-up approach to the promotion of health.

“I know I don’t have to tell anyone in this room that Bermuda is at a critical stage in addressing the healthcare needs of its population,” she said.

“Reform is vital to move to a more sustainable health system that builds a healthy workforce and ensures that the needs of seniors, children and adults are incorporated into our vision for a healthy Bermuda.

According to Ms Atherden, about two thirds of adults have at least one chronic non-communicable disease.

“How did we get here? How did we — so educated and prosperous — allow ourselves to become such a sick population? To some extent, I think we all know it: An obesogenic environment conducive to poor lifestyles has bred a population that now struggles to sustain itself.

“And we are paying dearly for the state of our health. We pay for it in premiums and in the costs to the public purse, in addition to the pain and suffering to individuals and families.

“Changing our culture so that the healthy choice becomes the easier choice more often for more people will take a concerted and unified effort from all of us.”

But the minister stressed that the Department of Health cannot tackle the issue alone, adding that good public health requires partnership, collaboration and participation.

Well Bermuda brings together organisations such as charities and the private and public sectors, who are already working on various areas of health and wellness, in order to achieve greater coordination and mobilisation of resources.

“It doesn’t only focus on health issues that are currently problematic but also includes areas where public health is already producing positive results. The strategy highlights all of the areas where good population health must be ensured.”

The annual partnership meeting provides an opportunity to update and review action plans and objectives developed and focused on by the lead agencies involved, as well as report on any progress made.

Ms Atherden added: “This meeting is extremely well timed to take place following the recent launch of my ministry’s five-year plan for healthcare in Bermuda: the Bermuda Health Strategy 2014 to 2019 and Bermuda Health Action Plan.

“Well Bermuda and the health reform strategy and action plan all provide the blueprints to achieve the healthier Bermuda that I know we all believe is possible and want to see.”