Cancer conference under way
Created: Jun 14, 2018 01:00 AM (Updated: Jun 14, 2018 11:23 AM)
Dr Francis Arena, Dr Sudhir Gupta, Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, Dr John Lovecchio, Dr Mark Silberman and William Keegan, president and CEO of Innovative Medical Conferences (Photograph supplied)
A two-day international medical summit featuring world-class specialists started at the Fairmont Southampton today.
Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, met with some of the leading cancer doctors participating in the Pink and Teal Conference on Breast and Ovarian Cancer yesterday.
William Keegan, president of Innovative Medical Conferences and the event organiser, said last month that the conference would be more than triple the size of the first “pink conference” on breast cancer held on the island in 2013.
The 2013 meeting attracted about 200 medical experts and physicians.
The conference will wrap up tomorrow.