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KPMG recruited by health ministry

Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

A professional services firm has been recruited to help deliver a joint vision for a healthier Bermuda, the Government announced last night.

KMPG will provide project management as the island’s “health strategy” is updated.

It came as public consultation on health financing reform ended yesterday.

Kim Wilson, the health minister, said: “We all want affordable and high-quality healthcare.

“Together, we are working hard to ensure all residents enjoy equitable access to the quality care our families depend on, while making important choices to put our healthcare system on a sustainable path.”

She explained that the Bermuda Health Strategy 2014-2019 was published under former health minister Jeanne Atherden, during the previous One Bermuda Alliance government.

Ms Wilson said it built on the earlier National Health Plan and “outlined strategic reform priorities for Bermuda’s health system”.

She added: “Much was achieved since that time, but further work is required to fully achieve success.

“With the strategy expiring this year, I want to build on that good work and refresh and upgrade the Bermuda Health Strategy to produce the vision and goals for 2020 to 2025.

“We are determined to make Bermuda healthier and we need a joint vision for health that inspires hope, trust and confidence across the community.

“This project will be led by a multisectoral steering committee and a broad cross-section of healthcare stakeholders as a Strategic Leadership Group.

“Their input and guidance will set the direction of the 2020-2025 strategy for healthcare in Bermuda.

“Further, to support our efforts, we have engaged KPMG to provide independent, local project management resources and to leverage their global healthcare insight.

“KPMG has been engaged via a partnership between the Ministry of Health and the Bermuda Hospitals Board.”

Ms Wilson said that BHB believed in the need for a “comprehensive and shared strategic vision and plan for Bermuda”.

Members of the health financing reforms stakeholder consultation group, which was set up last year, were invited to take part in the Strategic Leadership Group along with other health professionals.

Consultation with relevant groups will take place in the first quarter of 2020.

Short surveys — to be carried out and analysed by KMPG — were expected to be launched this week on forum.gov.bm.

Ms Wilson said: “The Strategic Leadership Group will guide the way to build consensus on the current state of healthcare in Bermuda and the future state that we want to achieve together.

“Bermuda has a strong and compassionate healthcare system.

“This is the result of tremendous effort from our frontline providers — our dedicated doctors, nurses and allied health professionals — and the business community, insurance sector and Government.

“I believe this broad stakeholder collaboration will assist my ministry by bringing the breadth of perspectives across healthcare leaders in our community.

“I look forward to the outcome of their deliberations to provide me with the 2020-2025 vision for healthcare in Bermuda.”

The Bermuda Health Strategy takes in the wider health system including prevention and long term care.

It can be found at https://www.gov.bm/sites/default/files/Bermuda-Health-Strategy-2014-2019-DCI-LowRes_0.pdf.

The Bermuda Health Plan is a part of the broader strategy and is focused on health financing reform to improve access and sustainability in the health system.

It can be found at https://www.gov.bm/healthplan.