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Fourteen quarantined in Covid-19 caution

Chief Medical Officer: Cheryl Peek-Ball (File photograph)

A total of 14 people have been quarantined so far in the battle to protect Bermuda from a killer strain of coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health warned anyone returning from China or other areas with person-to-person transmission of Covid-19 would be required to stay in their homes and be monitored for 14 days.

Bermuda has not recorded any cases of Covid-19 and ports of entry screening has not identified any travellers with a risk history in the past three days.

Cheryl Peek-Ball, the Chief Medical Officer, said yesterday: “Ports of entry screening resulted in a cumulative total of 14 individuals being self-quarantined with direct monitoring for 14 days.

“This number has now reduced to five individuals undergoing current active monitoring.”

Anyone who becomes ill after travelling to mainland China or neighbouring countries should call their GP for advice before going into any healthcare centre.

Dr Peek-Ball said: “The best protection from this disease and all respiratory illnesses is good hand hygiene.

“When ill, stay away from others. Do not attend work or school and, again, seek medical advice by phone in advance of going to a healthcare setting.”

For more on Covid-19 visit the Ministry of Health’s website, which is regularly updated, on www.gov.bm/health-data-and-monitoring