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Washington Mall follows Covid-19 advice

Paul Slaughter, the general manager of Washington Properties (Bermuda) Ltd (File photograph).

The Washington Mall will close today and is expected to open again next month, its owners have announced.

Paul Slaughter, the general manager, of Washington Properties (Bermuda) Ltd, said it came after advice from Wayne Caines, the Minister of National Security, and talks with the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce.

He explained: “After listening to the remarks made by Minister Caines during his press conference yesterday and attending a special teleconference call with the Retail Division of the Chamber of Commerce, it has been decided that the mall doors will close today.

“All being well, we will reopen on April 6 although the reopening date will be updated as necessary.

“While the Government has not mandated that all non-essential businesses close, it has been heavily suggested that we should.

“It is the responsibility of all of us to make sure that residents stay home and off the streets to minimise the spread of Covid-19 so that it is brought under control sooner rather than later.

“If we don’t get a handle on this it will put a huge strain on the healthcare system if the disease is not contained quickly.”

Mr Slaughter added: “While all of the public entrances will be closed to the public, individual tenants are still free to offer sales to their customers and take the goods to their customers at curb side.

“However, under no circumstances are customers or clients to be allowed in the mall during this time.

“Washington Properties staff will be working remotely from home and any questions or concerns will be addressed as quickly as possible.

“Please keep safe all and do as Government has requested and stay home and off the streets.”